4 Días
Sïndrome del Amigo Maligno
(Zumo de remolacha)
fair threads, in your little hands
swinging towards future
southern chiameric pastimes
deep sparkling throat
there´s kind of oblivion in that bucket
and it won´t be me who stains itstorms are coming back with a drum roll of slaughter
moth´s shriek never disappears
need copulate for fuse to pass away
using violent winds as wings
all along this last years my body has been covered by a thick fat layer.
but not now!
now thanks to the untitled head, the overmoisturizing and the airway obstructive diseases.
-are you the lady of the house?
-yes, I am. what would you like? -I insist. are you the lady of the house?
my nerve cells have gotten attached due to the hearing of this outrage.
anyway, little stupid. i have got nothing to tell you don´t know!
necrosis from skin and soft parts
(Zumo de remolacha)
fair threads, in your little hands
swinging towards future
southern chiameric pastimes
deep sparkling throat
there´s kind of oblivion in that bucket
and it won´t be me who stains itstorms are coming back with a drum roll of slaughter
moth´s shriek never disappears
need copulate for fuse to pass away
using violent winds as wings
all along this last years my body has been covered by a thick fat layer.
but not now!
now thanks to the untitled head, the overmoisturizing and the airway obstructive diseases.
-are you the lady of the house?
-yes, I am. what would you like? -I insist. are you the lady of the house?
my nerve cells have gotten attached due to the hearing of this outrage.
anyway, little stupid. i have got nothing to tell you don´t know!
necrosis from skin and soft parts
Oh, Great! (aplausos enmuñonantes)
ResponderEliminarQué tonterrúas: cuando vine hace unas horas, la entrada estaba con la fecha y sin nada escrito. Lo de arriba era mi particularísima oda al vacío xDD
ResponderEliminarLa mejor guarnición que el vídeo podría tener son los freakazos de debajo peleándose en cuanto a mitología nórdica.
Mi cara un segundo después de leer lo del control de alcoholemia: O.o
ResponderEliminarMi cara tres segundos después de leer lo del control de alcoholemia: x_DDDDDDDD
Va, venga (/me se enjuga las lágrimas); ¿tuviste algún problema? ¿Te metieron los dedetes por sonas innobles? ¿Te metieron los dedetes por zonas innobles SIN ENGUANTAR?
"señor, la cerveza me provoca alucinaciones, incluso antes de bebérmela..."
*sonas, qué achicanado todo.
ResponderEliminarDeberías haberle dado a probar tu cinturón de copiloto. Te habría regalado su pipa. Se habría echado a llorar.
ResponderEliminarEl deforme es el jefe paramilitar de todos. Intenta meterle tú a ese una moneda alemana en el pico. Tururú.
(¡ya me he acordado del nombre de la playa! ¡Era "La Antilla"! ¡Ahora TODO tiene sentido! xD)